Welcome to Moveology
When we experience pain and tension in the body, it can weigh us down and be debilitating to our daily lives. Yet when understood, pain can be a great teacher. Pain is the way that the body tells us that there is a something out of balance that needs to be addressed.
The Moveology way is to bring awareness to the patterns of pain and dysfunction in your body - then through application of conscious breathing and movement, functional strength training, PNF and dynamic stretching and active manual muscle release techniques we assist you to become pain-free, restore your vitality so you can feel free in body and mind.
Whether your aim is to recover from pain and/or injury; to enhance movement and fitness for your sport and/or daily life; or just simply that you want to move and feel your absolute best - Moveology can help. After a thorough posture and movement analysis you will be carefully guided through exercises that are specific to your goal. We then support you through the process so you overcome your physical inhibitions and restore your body to its natural state of health.
Moveology offers Personal and Small Group Training; Classes, Seminars and Wellbeing programs for community and corporate groups; Mentorship programs for trainers and therapists.
Find out here about Who we are and What we do or contact us if you have an enquiry...
Upcoming Event
Moveology new Fairfield Studio Opening Party
Sunday April 18, 2021
8/296 Station St, Fairfield
Moveology has moved! After 8 years based in Preston Moveology has moved into its own dedicated studio space in Fairfield. We will have food, drinks, music and fun so come down and help celebrate.
See the What is on page for more about events...
Contact James 0404 019 210

"For those who know my story, you'll know I used to referee semi-professional basketball around Australia. Until I was unable to perform any longer due to a string of injuries. James Alamanos is the sole person who got my body back into shape to return to the game I loved - not just because of the physical training that we did together, but because of how he helped me to understand my mind, my emotions and how my energy was impacting my body. I could write a book on the amazing work that James does - I don't promise much, but I DO promise you that this is a relationship that could change your life.."
Adrian Petrie 28yo, Adrian Petrie Consulting